Lucky readers! My open invitation for friends to post their musings has been accepted by my good friend Andre! There is no end in the delight I take in learning more about him, especially since the usual context of our association takes place at a kickboxing class. One learns so much when reading his piece. Enjoy!!
My Two Cents
I decided to begin my day this morning to put to virtual paper, my first Blog! As I type this I feel a bit guilty. After all, I really should be going forth with my daily routine of doing what people pay me to do; make their dreams come true! Ah, what a romantic way of viewing my job. I can get almost dreaming thinking of it until, the alarm clock that is my phone wakes me up to my reality. Mine is a routine of juggling decisions and tasks which seemingly define the future fabric of other people’s lives whilst not having a moment to reflect on the profound complexity of my own life. But, this departure from my routine is exactly what has driven me to my Blog premiere.
I was talking with May (our esteemed hostess) last night and got to thinking, (yes I do think)! How many times in our lives to we ignore opportunities for change? We become a caboose pushing forth incidents, passengers and emotional baggage, all of our own creation along tracts of life, again our own fabrication, towards some virtual destiny which we perceive as our future happiness. That is, until some poor begotten soul disillusioned by their own self prescribed fate decides to park their vehicle on OUR tracks! Thereby forcing the derailment of our prized caboose and sending our lives into a whirlwind of change. This change that our own infallibility has caused us not to embrace, if nothing else, is invariably the doorway to growth.
Coming from a third world country, in an economy that is like a slot machine with the IMF at the helm, I have been forced to develop an adeptness for change. When ever this becomes curbed by routine albeit self-imposed, I can immediately feel the effects in the rate of my personal unfoldment. Which right now incidentally is coming to a halt and I need to make a change pretty quickly before one is made for me. You see I have this pact with GOD, the big man, my inner self, whoever! someone pulling my cords. I must have made this pact before I came into this life ‘cause I certainly don’t remember. Nonetheless it says that if I stand still spiritually I’ll get kicked in the ass by one of several spiritual masters. Now trust me, these guys can kick! They’ll put their foot so far up my ass I can taste leather! I never know who it is going to be or how hard, sometimes a nudge, sometimes a spinning backfist. Usually though if I can catch myself in time though I can examine my life and make the necessary changes before that. My father always said “Son, you can either go on your knees and pray or wait for life to take out your kneecaps, either way you’re going down unless you practice humility”. Actually it was more like “Do you want to end up selling cane on the side of the road? I don’t care either way but you better get your shit together! Sleep and eat, that’s all you do and I should have to pay for it? Well you’ve got another thing coming…”
The thing is, I think we all have made such a pact. Only some of us realize it and some of us don’t. Some people just wonder why they keep getting kicked in the ass. Well why do you ignore the constant nudging of life edging you to make the changes necessary for your growth? Why do we embrace the comfort of routine and strive for the financial freedom to just sleep and eat? Why would life reward us with that when we are in this place to grow? Two more things, one perhaps we must first learn to become one with the flow of life and embrace change, and two I’ve become too Morpheus-like in my musings and must get back to my routine. PEACE!